
calculang ✍️ editable and dangerous! 🧙‍♂️⚠️
javascript ✨ generated from calculang ⬆️
dev tools 🧰

reactive workings (todo):

Leafy matrix 🍂🧑‍💻

Leaf from Lu Wilson @TodePond

inputs ⚙️
const spec = ({
  // vega-lite
  mark: {type:mark, tooltip:true, filled:true},
  encoding: {
    x: { field: 'x_in', type: 'nominal', scale: {domain:_.range(10,40)} },
    y: { field: 'y_in', type: 'nominal' },
    text: {field: 't', type: 'nominal' },
    color: {field:'c', type: 'quantitative', scale: {scheme:'greens'}},
    size: {field: 's', type:'quantitative', scale: {domain:[0,1], range:[0,10]}}
    //detail: {field: 'i_in', type: 'nominal'},
  data: { name: "data" },
  autosize: { "type": "fit", "contains": "padding"},
  // no reactive w/h due to https://github.com/observablehq/framework/issues/1194
  width: 400,//Math.min(500,content_width-30),//Math.min(400,content_width),
  height: 400-30,//Math.min(500,content_width-30)/1.2,//Math.min(400,content_width-30),

// interactivity via vega signals and listeners
const viz = embed('#viz', spec)
const data_source = calcuvegadata({
  models: [model],
  domains: {
    x_in: _.range(0,50),
    y_in: _.range(0,50),
  input_cursors: [
    { n_in }
viz.view.data("data", data_source).resize().run(); // turn off resize
const pis = [5, 10, 20,30,50,55,60,65,70,75]
  .map(n_in => ({n_in, pi_approximation: model.pi_approximation({ n_in}), proportion_inside: model.proportion_inside({ n_in}), error: model.error({ n_in})}))

display(Inputs.table(pis, {sort: 'n_in', reverse: true, format: { pi_approximation: d3.format(',.10f'), error: d3.format(',.4f') }}))