Path of โ๏ธ and ๐
Replicating sun/moon position calcs from SunCalc; compare results by layering both models below!
location ๐ (default: Brรบ na Bรณinne, Ireland)
const lat_in = view(Inputs.range([-360,360], {label: 'latitude', value: 53.694712}))
const lng_in = view(Inputs.range([-360,360], {label: 'longitude', value: -6.475492}))
const clip1 = view(Inputs.toggle({value:true}))
const clip2 = view(Inputs.toggle())
date below
๐ง even though I replicate numbers, I need to do some DST and other time-related thinking
const spec = ({
// vega-lite
mark: {type:'point', size:400, filled:true,tooltip:true, clip:false, strokeWidth:0.2},
//transform: [{calculate: 'datum.obj_in == "moon" ? (datum.eclipse_guestimate < 0.005 ? "๐" : "๐") : "โ๏ธ"', as: 'annotation'},{calculate: 'datum.eclipse_guestimate < 0.0016 ? true : false', as: 'eclipse'}],
encoding: {
stroke: {field:'obj_in'},
strokeWidth: {value: 2},
strokeOpacity: {value:200},
opacity: {value: 0.8},
size: {value: 150},
y: {grid: false,field: 'altitude_obj', type:'quantitative', axis: { values: [0,1], title: 'altitude (rads)'}, scale: {ticks: [0],zero: false, domain: clip2 ? [0,1] : [-1,1.5]}},
x: {grid:false,field: 'azimuth_obj', type: 'quantitative', axis: {title: 'azimuth (rads)'}, scale: {zero: false, domain: !clip2 ? [-3,3] : [-0.5,2.5]}},
shape: {field: 'model_id'},
color: {field: 'obj_in'},
order: {field: 'model_id', sort:'descending'},
//color: {field: 'time_in', sort:'ascending', type: 'quantitative', timeUnit: 'hoursminutes', legend:true, scale: {scheme: 'lightmulti'}}
background: '#00000000',
width:500*.8 * (clip1 ? 1 : 0.5),
height:400*.8 * (clip1 ? 1 : 0.5),
data: { name: "data" },
// interactivity via vega signals and listeners
const viz = embed('#viz', spec, {actions:true})
const mins = view(Inputs.range([0,10000], {value:0, step:1,label:'mins'}))"data", data_source)/*.resize()*/.run();
SunCalc wrapper for comparisons:
// wrapper around SunCalc: the JS model by Vladimir Agafonkin I replicate
// which itself is bassed on Astronomy Answers formulae:
// wrapper allows me to call it consistent with calculang model
// so I can layer onto the same visual
// to check calculang numbers/progress
// the JS model is suncalc_js_wrapped
// the calculang model is simply model, as in other examples
import {default as SunCalc} from 'npm:suncalc'
const suncalc_js_wrapped = {
time_composed: ({date_in, time_in}) => new Date(date_in.getFullYear(), date_in.getMonth(), date_in.getDate(), time_in.getHours(), time_in.getMinutes(), time_in.getSeconds()),
altitude_obj: ({obj_in, date_in, time_in, lat_in, lng_in }) => {
const time_composed = suncalc_js_wrapped.time_composed({date_in,time_in});
if (obj_in == 'sun') return SunCalc.getPosition(time_composed, lat_in, lng_in).altitude
else return SunCalc.getMoonPosition(time_composed, lat_in, lng_in).altitude
azimuth_obj: ({obj_in, time_in, lat_in, lng_in }) => {
const time_composed = suncalc_js_wrapped.time_composed({date_in,time_in});
if (obj_in == 'sun') return SunCalc.getPosition(time_composed, lat_in, lng_in).azimuth
else return SunCalc.getMoonPosition(time_composed, lat_in, lng_in).azimuth