Savings Calculator 🪙🪙
inputs ⚙️
Projected savings balance at end of year
💡 Click a number to highlight workings
const spec = ({
// vega-lite
encoding: {
x: { field: 'formula', type: 'nominal', "axis": {"labelAngle": 0, "orient": "top", title:null, "labelLimit": 300, labelFontSize: 20} },
y: { field: 'year_in'/*, axis: {titleFontSize:20, labelFontSize: 30, } */ },
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text: {field: 'value', format:',.2f'},
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size: { value: 12, condition: {test: 'datum.current', value: 1} }
params: [
name: "formula",
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mark: {type:'text', fontWeight:'bold', dx:0, dy:0},
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color: {value:'black'},
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height: 300-30,//Math.min(500,content_width-30)/1.2,//Math.min(400,content_width-30),
// interactivity via vega signals and listeners
const viz = embed('#viz', spec)
const data_source = calcuvegadata({
models: [model],
domains: {
formula: formulae_not_inputs,
year_in: _.range(0,cursor.duration_in+0.1),
input_cursors: [
{ ...cursor }
// is this data_source_with_highlights data flow ok ... ?"data", data_source_with_highlights).resize().run(); // turn off resize
viz.view.addSignalListener("formula", (a, b) => {
setCursor('year_in', b.year_in[0])